Jun 9, 20151 min
How To Beat Procrastination Like A Boss!
We can spend a lot of time convincing ourselves that that “thing” we wanna do … that “thing” that gets us “pumped up” and excited … could...
May 26, 20151 min
How to Make a Difference in the World EVERY DAY (It’s Easier Than You Think!)
Sometimes watching the news on television can sometimes make it feel like the world is a horrible place to live in. And it can even...
May 19, 20151 min
You Are Good Enough! Goodbye Pity Parties
“Im not good enough.” Have YOU ever felt that way? I know I have. And so has everyone else. Check out this encouraging video to help...
Apr 13, 20151 min
FORGIVE YOURSELF IN 3 MINUTES! – Find it Hard to Change? Here’s Why
Struggling a lot with guilt and shame? Desiring to become a better person? Here’s the secret. #howtoforgiveyourself #infinitewaters...