Dec 21, 20231 min read
Is Reality REAL? Thoughts On Parallel Universes, Reality Shifting & The Mandela Effect | Brian Scott
Brian Scott, after walking away unscathed from a near-fatal shooting in his home, began a fanatical search for answers. His traumatic...

Mar 1, 20231 min read
THE LAW OF ASSUMPTION: How to Manifest Anything You Want! (Explained - Step By Step) + Best Methods
What is the secret to manifesting? In my latest video, I share a powerful interview I had as a guest on Constance Arnold's show Think,...

Jun 15, 20221 min read
The Secret to a MAGICAL Life (MUST WATCH!) | Reality Transurfing
Do you ever have moments when feel alone? In my latest video, I share an eye-opening Reality Transurfing teaching ... explaining the...

Jan 5, 20221 min read
How I Manifested Money FAST & EASILY! (THIS METHOD WORKS!)
How do you manifest money fast and easily? In my latest video, I share a my own manifestation story of how I was able to overcome a lot...

Dec 8, 20211 min read
The Ultimate Manifestation Hack (WORKS CRAZY FAST!) BEYOND Law of Attraction | Reality Transurfing®
Wanna learn the ultimate manifestation hack? In my latest video, I share a powerful Reality Transurfing principle on how to hack reality....