How The Bible Can Be Dangerous (And Why Many Christians Don’t See It) | Audiobook
Here’s a free chapter on “The Bible” from my audiobook So You Thought You Knew.
I started reading the Bible at a very young age. I was told what to think about it and also what to assume about it as well. This book has helped me in so many different ways as I was growing up. But to be honest, there were some things I didn’t understand. So what did I do? I kept many of my inner thoughts/questions to myself.
But everything changed once I began to question it out loud. This is my journey.
Here are a couple things that will get you thinking by listening to this audio:
• Is the Bible true (inerrant)?
• Why do so many believers love it, while so many unbelievers detest it?
• Have you ever read the Bible from cover to cover?
• Is the Bible the “Word of God”?
• Does God speak apart from the Bible?
If this audio helps you in any way, please share it with others.
*For the complete version of the book (paperback, kindle, audio), you can order it here:
If you end up purchasing the complete book, I’d really appreciate it if you can RATE and REVIEW it. It only takes a few minutes. And it seriously helps a lot by allowing more people to discover the book as well.
Thanks again. And I hope this encourages you today.
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