Meet Joshua Tongol

Best-selling author, speaker, healer,
out-of-body explorer, psychic medium
As a rising thought leader, Josh's profound teachings have helped countless people throughout the world. He speaks on topics such as the law of attraction, law of assumption, reality transurfing, healing, consciousness, near-death experiences, mediumship, paranormal phenomena, religion and personal development--offering new paradigms relevant for our day and age.
He trained as an evidential medium at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England.
He holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Biola University and an M.A. in Theology from Talbot School of Theology.
Joshua and his wife, Remy, currently live in the Philippines.

Joshua’s LAW OF ATTRACTION MASTERY course has had a tremendous positive impact on my business. Prior to my enrollment in this course, my business was on the verge of an alarming plateau. The uniqueness of this course is that the sound principles conveyed transcends numerous aspects of life and can be applied in any area. My business is now opening up to new horizons and expansion on what is truly possible.
Jessina DeMarco,
Maximum Wellness Through Therapeutic Touch
Joshua’s work has been, and will continue to be for me, the cornerstone of this incredible journey I’m on. So I decided to take the plunge. The strangest things have begun to happen for me in all the right ways. It’s as though a magical shift has taken place. The other day, I received a check by mail seemingly out of nowhere! His teachings have opened my mind to a greater realm of possibility.
Larry Bravo,